The late Larry Doocy (third from left) joins driver Bob Weber (right) before racing action at Fairmont Raceway in 1970. Doocy is a 2013 inductee into the Kossuth County Racing Hall of Fame.
There was probably little doubt that the late Larry Doocy would grow up to love cars and the sport of racing. His formative years were spent at his father’s auto repair shop and helping out his brother Don on his race car.
In 1967, Don Doocy built a new race car, and left his old coupe for his brother Larry and high school classmate Bob Weber to race. With Weber at the controls, their first race together was at the track in Algona. Weber recalls that it was quite a learning experience to have their first race be against the likes of Gene Schattschneider and Butch Householder.
Their early year’s together featured a steep learning curve. At a race in Mason City, Weber destroyed the car after barrel rolling 5 times and concluding the wreck by going end-over-end four more.
Maybe it was youthful exuberance or possibly stubbornness, undeterred both Doocy and Weber continued their racing relationship. With the coupe gone, Larry Doocy and Weber continued fielding race cars, racing primarily at the tracks in Algona, Fairmont and Jackson, MN.
The highlight of their time together was earning the Kossuth County Fair race feature win in what was most likely the 1970 season.
In 1971 Weber decided to strike out on his own, moving up to the late model division and purchasing his own car. The Doocy influence was close at hand though as Larry helped Weber with his first late model. The new Boyce chassis was numbered 12 and carried the “Doocy Repair” lettering on the side and Doocy power plant under the hood.
Later in ’71 with Les Wildin as his driver, Doocy’s #2 posted wins at Fairmont Raceway.
After the 1971 season, Larry took a step away from direct involvement in racing, but remained a big fan of the sport.
For many years, he worked with his father as a mechanic at Doocy Repair in Lone Rock. In 1981 he constructed a new repair shop with his brother Arden and was employed there until 2006 when the business was sold to their nephew.
Larry then moved to Fort Dodge and worked at Fort Dodge Transmission. He became involved with racing once again, helping local driver Matt Mundt on his stock car. Larry developed a special bond with his co-workers at Fort Dodge Transmission and especially with Mundt. Larry’s steady hand and guidance proved to be a positive influence on Mundt.
On May 30, 2008 he was involved in a freak accident in the pits at Mineral City Speedway in Fort Dodge. He passed away at the age of 60 years old.
He enjoyed being with his family and playing golf. It’s safe to say, however, he never lost his passion for automobiles, restoring antique cars and streets rods and was directly involved in racing as a builder and a fan.
For many years, the Doocy name has been synonymous with racing in Kossuth County. Throughout his lifetime, Larry was supportive of his family members who continued to participate in the sport.
He was also committed to his hometown of Lone Rock, serving for many years on the city council and fire department.
Quietly, Larry helped nearly anyone who asked. He frequently helped Butch Householder rebuild or assemble engines during his career. He was proud of winning a Kossuth County Fair race with Bob Weber and was honored and thrilled to give the “Gentlemen, start your engines” command at the NASCAR Truck Series race at Texas Motor Speedway.
Larry Doocy joins five others as 2013 inductees into the Kossuth County Racing Hall of Fame. The induction ceremony takes place August 3rd during the Kossuth County Fair races at Algona Raceway.